Friday 16 April 2004


I have tickets to Glastonbury! After the charade on 1st April that involved lots of unhappy people trying in vain to get tickets through the ridiculously overloaded web servers (including me), they released another 1,000 tickets (previously sold in error) tonight. Thanks to Jon for pointing me at this fact. As far as I can tell from reading a BBC report I was very close to missing the end of those extra tickets. As it is, Dave and I will be joining the hordes of others that I know who are going.

I've never been to the festival before so I'm eagerly awaiting the experience. Yay!

Posted by Dominic at 00:43 | Comments (2)

Tuesday 13 April 2004


Fun exciting craze of the week is Geocaching. The basic idea is to hunt, usually by means of a GPS unit, for caches, which are often plastic tubs containing a log book and other goodies. It seems to be met with derision by those who believe GPSes to be toys suitable only for those who can't read maps; but as an entertainment rather than a serious exercise it has to win (and there's nothing actually GPS-specific in how you do things with geocaching; if you could be bothered to get orienteering maps that would be equally practical). I went with John and Matt to find two caches south of Oxford. We actually failed to find the final part of the second one, which was a shame. However, good fun was had by all and we went for a nice meal at the end of it at a pub in Sutton Courtenay where we'd parked the car.

There seem to be plans afoot to go again next weekend.

Posted by Dominic at 00:36 | Comments (0)

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