Tuesday 16 March 2004


Another University term has passed. You'd think that this wouldn't affect me much but with things like the Oxford Bach Choir being based around the terms and me still being involved with Compsoc, I find that my life quietens down significantly out of term. Having said that though, I found myself doing some maintainance on a Compsoc server this evening, I'm off to the theatre on Wednesday and away for a long weekend in the Yorkshire Dales this weekend.

The aforementioned concert went well on Saturday; the Bruckner was dedicated to the victims of the Madrid bombs. On Sunday I was careless enough to agree to help Dad some more with his Powerbook (following a recent upgrade to Panther).

The main thing I've done at work recently is deploy Request Tracker, a system for managing support issues. It's been pretty smooth going so far, and it's a joy to have a system that Just Works so well (although the installation was a bit involved; I have a rant about CPAN somewhere but I'll leave that for another time). Other than that things have been quiet, and I'm just about keeping on top of lots of minor jobs that were building up, amidst a fairly lengthy bunch of infrastructure overhauls (new network cabling and gear, various core servers and moving our old compute Alphas to Linux).

I also went to FOSDEM since my last diary update, which involved a handful of good talks and a lot of beer. I took some photos.

Posted by Dominic at 01:49 | Comments (0)

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