Tuesday 13 June 2006


Last Sunday I took part in the 2006 Wantage triathlon. Well, I say that; I only actually did the cycling leg, as part of a team with Gillian and Nick. Hilary also took part, doing the whole lot herself.

The cycle leg was about 35km long, and took me 1 hour 27 minutes. I don't think I've ever actually cycled that far without a rest before so it was quite fun to do, especially with a plentiful supply of water... Luckily it wasn't too hot by the time I was cycling (though this did mean up at 6.30am to get there in time).

I took my ever-present GPS (on its nice new handlebar mounting bracket) and recorded the route, with which I've produced a nice map.

We had a bit of confusion during the cycle-run transition, however; Nick had the idea of me phoning/texting when I was nearly back so he could warm up; however, technology failed us and Nick hadn't made it off the grass where he was relaxing! This made for a rather lengthy transition of around 5 minutes...

After everyone had finished we went for a nice pub lunch in Wantage and then drove back to Oxford. It was all good fun. We got the results yesterday (we're down as "Hamnett Team Hamnett" if you're very bored and want to look for us) and we came 115th out of the 121 who finished the course (though most of them weren't a team — we were the last team to finish sadly :) I think we'd have been about 110th without the long transition...

Now I'm been badgered into the Faringdon triathlon with a 50km cycle ride.

Posted by Dominic at 11:21
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