Monday 9 May 2005

Since September...

It's been far too long. For posterity, and because I've been hearing rumours that people actually want to read about what I've been up to, here's a very brief summary of my life over the past few months.

Whoa. Back to last year: Life was continuing much as normal then. The Oxford Bach Choir had a successful series of concerts (though they have acquired a new, less useful web site despite my offers of help and protestations...) Michael Tippett's A Child of Our Time (actually in March) was an amazingly emotional performance. The rehearsals had been quite technical in the main, and it wasn't until we performed it through on the night that the full majesty and meaning of the piece came through.

The December concerts were good too: Bach's Magnificat being one of his many masterpieces, and the Christmas concert wasn't that sickeningly predictable.

In November I visited a new continent, thanks to my uncle who has a house in Cape Town, I spent just over a week there with mum, staying at his house and taking in the sights. It was a woefully inadequate amount of time, but great fun nevertheless. And I have, in theory, to design a web site for him in return for the trip, but he doesn't seem to have asked me yet...

Christmas was a quiet affair as usual: after another infamous Astrophysics Christmas Party, I went home to Stevenage and London, and was back in Oxford for New Year (NB: I take absolutely no responsibility for the outrageous geekery displayed in these photos!).

Ah yes, on the subject of geekery: February saw, again, a weekend jolly to Brussels to the Free and Open Source Developers' European Meeting. Much beer was consumed, and we even went to a few talks. Also in February I went to Tristam's stag do, and then, in March, Tristam and Angharad's wedding [reception].

Workwise, things have been much the same, and I'm finally making progress migrating all the desktops to a new distribution (Debian sarge, for the interested). It was fun to get my teeth into a project, and I spent a while making a nicely streamlined installer using the new Debian Installer.

More on work... and other things... in a future post or two.

So, in summary: I'm still alive, and stuff happened.

Posted by Dominic at 23:00

I beg to differ about the Bach Choir Christmas concert...the Rutter and the misbehaving children were fairly predictable!

Posted by: Gillian at May 12, 2005 11:13 AM

Ah yes, but there were compensations, you have to agree.

Posted by: Dom at May 13, 2005 3:12 PM
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